Abundance Mindset.
Innovation Mindset.

Focus on Perennial Growth
An old oak or a weed?
The core of Protomet is a growth journey. Perennial Growth means we are in it for a long sustained journey of improvement. Through winters and droughts, we will have the long-forged strength to hold strong. In springs and summers, we will have the energy to press into new domains. This is our DNA.
Make it in America
Can design and manufacturing be separated?
Domestic supply chain sounds good now, but we were into it before it was in vogue. We believe in the ethos of American Made, and we understand how powerful it is to design, engineer, and manufacture under one roof. Our one-stop-shop attitude enables a healthy product lifestyle. We can make changes on the fly, we know how to design for manufacturing, and we maintain tight quality standards as we can control them in house.
Engineering Backbone
What makes an engineer?
Protomet remains a founder led operation with engineering grassroots. We aren’t concerned with the university we attended (if we even took that path); we focus on problem solving. Do you lean into challenges? Do you lean into tech? Are you curious? These traits are fundamental to our mission and success.

“The two greatest reasons why I enjoy coming to work are the continuous learning and the atmosphere. There is not a single day I do not learn something new, and the people I get to work with make it beyond enjoyable.”
-Ethan Garren, Engineer
Perennial Growth
Our Core Purpose. We wake up thinking about how we can take it to the next level - mentally, physically, spiritually, communally. It’s not about a finish line; it’s about the journey. Unlike the journey of a weed, we are perennial like a weathered oak.
Skills Beat Credentials
Learning is key, but credentials are just letters after your name. We are pro-knowledge, pro-skill, anti-entitlement.
That’s Hard… Good
Something about hardship gives us a sense of meaning and purpose. We’re stronger after the storm. We say, GOOD.
Second Mile
The first mile is your obligation, the second mile is voluntary. Amazing things happen when we add 10%.
Don’t Touch the Marshmallow
The marshmallow is the short-term reward. We think it’s fun to deny it for a bigger, longer term reward.
Abundance Mindset
Scarcity vs. Abundance. Most tend to view the world in scarce terms - a fixed mindset. We view resources as abundant.